We are looking for a junior process engineer to integrate our team and be responsible for process design and operation, users training and industrial projects.
The competition notice can be found here: https://www.polimi.it/docenti-e-ricercatori/bandi-e-concorsi/bandi-e-concorsi-pta/bandi-e-concorsi-per-il-personale-tecnico-amministrativo/t-a-default-d5d163a4bd-20
The successful candidate will manage established processes and develop new ideas, while being responsible for the installed R&D tools, together with the rest of the cleanroom Staff.
The perfect candidate should possess excellent analytical skills, communication skills and a strong attitude for teamwork.
No cleanroom experience is needed, although desirable.
We require a Master’s degree (Laurea Specialistica) in Physics, Engineering, Material Science or similar.
If you are interested, please write to: claudio1.somaschini@polimi.it