E-beam Evaporator – Unaxis BAK 640
Contact person
Marco Asa, Alessio Giampietri

The E-beam BAK 640 evaporator is equipped with a 6 pocket rotating crucible. At the moment the equipment has the following processes available: Ag, Al, Al2O3, Au, C, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ge, HfO2, Ni, Permalloy (NiFe), Pt, Si, SiO, SiO2,Sn, Ta, Ti, TiN, TiO2, ZnS.
Working principle
The electronic beam is accelerated by an electric field and than directed by a magnetic film to the crucible, for local heating the material in evaporation.
- The process is performed in high vacuum, below 2×10-6 milliBar
- The vacuum system is pumped by a cryogenic pump
- The equipment can process in reactive atmosphere (oxygen) if required
- The rotating dome is able to accommodate 9 150 mm wafers and it can be heated to 250 °C
- The deposition rate is monitored by quartz crystal system
- The revolving crucible holder allows multilayer deposition

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